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Neck Pain

Neck Pain image

Neck pain or stiffness these days is often caused by bad posture. It happens when you spend too much time with your neck bent or sleep in an awkward position. The pain can range from a little discomfort to a sharp shooting sensation that goes down your hands. Sometimes it only lasts for a short while, like a few hours or days, but other times it can stick around for weeks or even longer. The pain might feel sharp and focused in one spot, or it could be more spread out but not as intense. It can even travel up to your head or down to your upper back, shoulder blade, arm, and hand.

Now, let's take a look at some common symptoms of neck pain:

  1. Pain: You might feel the pain mostly in your neck, but it can also spread to your upper back and arms. The intensity can vary from a mild discomfort to a really strong, stabbing ache. It might get worse when you try to turn your neck.
  2. Stiffness: Your neck feels tender and it's difficult to move your head even just a little bit in any direction.
  3. Tightness and Spasms: You may experience slight swelling in your shoulder and neck area. This can happen because of things like bad posture, stress, using your neck too much, or getting injured.
  4. Numbness or Tingling: Sometimes you might feel a tingling or numbness in your shoulder, hand, and fingers. It's not a pleasant feeling and it can make it hard to sense anything you hold or touch.
  5. Headaches: Neck pain can sometimes trigger headaches. This happens when your neck muscles get tight and form trigger points.
  6. Limited Movement: Neck pain and stiffness can make it difficult for you to move your neck normally, which can be really annoying and bothersome.

Schedule an appointment with a top-rated physiotherapy center in Jaipur! Call +91 87567 00567 to learn more or discuss any questions you may have.